B-1B Lancer

The Rockwell B-1B is a derivative of the B-1 bomber, which was a planned 1980
replacement for the B-52. It was to be the third and most flexible of the Triad defence
system, the other two being land and submarine based ballistic missiles. The first B-1
flew on December 23rd, 1974 and was assembled at Plant 42 in Palmdale California. The
fourth B-1 flew on February 14th, 1979, and was the only complete plane to be fitted with
full offensive and defensive weapons. In 1977 then President Carter cancelled the B-1
program in favour of the cruise missile development program.

B-1 Specifications;
Engines; Four 133.4 kN (30,000 lb st, afterburning) General Electric YF101-GE-100
Wing span; (wings extended) 41.67 m (136' 8 1/2")
(swept) 23.84 m (78' 2 1/2")
Length; (with nose probe) 45.78m (150' 2 1/2")
Max take off weight; 179,170 kg (395,000 lb)
Max level speed; Mach 2.2

The first of the 100 production B-1B's made it's maiden flight October 18th 1984. The
four crew B-1B differs from the B-1 in a several of it's features. The B-1B makes better
use of Stealth technology. It's radar signature is one-one hundredth of the B-52
Stratofortress. The fuselage was strengthened and had a redesigned bomb bay. The engine
air intakes were fixed and redesigned engine nacelles. The overall speed was reduced to
that of a subsonic/trans-sonic bomber. Other features include radar location and warning
systems, electronic jamming, infrared countermeasures, chaff, and flares.

Rockwell B-1B Lancer specifications;
Engines; Four 136.9 kN (30,780 lb st afterburning) General Electric F101-GE-102 Turbofans.
Wing Span; (open) 41.67 m (136' 8 1/2") (swept) 23.84 m. (78' 2 1/2")
Length; 44.81 m (147' 0")
Max take off weight; 216,363 kg ( 477,000 lb)
Max level speed; Mach 1.25
Range; 12,000 km (7,455 miles) without in flight refueling

38 AGM-69 A (SRAM) Missiles (24 on three rotary launchers)
(14 on eight external hardpoints)
32 x B-83 Free-fall nuclear bombs
22x AGM-86B/C ACLM's
128 x 500 lb (227 kg) MK 82 free fall iron bombs

The aircraft photographed below is from the 319th Bombardment Wing, 46th
BS, Grand Forks AFB N.D.

The B-1B looks menacing as it emerges from
the blackened sky |
Some very pretty supplimental photos of the
B-1B |