


The Boeing Vertol Model 114/Ch-47 Chinook first began flying as a prototype on September 21st, 1961. The Chinook has quadricycle landing gear and features sealed and compartmented fairing pods for added bouyancy to the sealed lower fuselage. The Chinook has been sold to Argentina, Australia, Canada, Japan, South Korea, Spain, Thailand, United Kingdom, United Stated, and Vietnam.

Power; Two 2,796 kW. (3,750 shp) emergency rating 3,356 kW. (4,500 shp)
Powerplants; Lycoming T-55-L-7, T-55-L-7C, T-55-11C, T-55-712
Weight empty; 10,475 kg (23,093 lb.)
Max T/O weight; 20,865 kg. (46,000 lb.) upgraded to 50,000 lbs
Max speed; 157 knots 291 kmh, 181 mph
Cruising speed at max t/o weight; 138 knots, 256 kmh, 159 mph
Initial rate of Climb; 405m./minute 1,330 ft/minute
Ferry range; 2,020 km. (1,255 miles)

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Rotor Diameter; 18.26 m. (60' 0")
Length; (rotors turning) 30.18 m. (99' 0")
Height; 5.68 m. (18' 7.8")
Rotor area; 525.34 sq. m. (5,654.88 sq . ft.)

This page was last updated November 28, 1998

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